Learn something new and get your questions answered—face-to-face.

Creating a chapter culture where members strive to build connections and share our Sisterhood is critical to AΣΤ’s short-and-long-term success. To best prepare our newest chapter leaders and our Growth and Chapter Advisors, we are excited to offer Growth Academy 2023!

Growth Academy will be an entirely virtual program offered in two parts. Participants will be expected to complete one of the Part 1 sessions and one of the Part 2 sessions, depending on the dates that work best for them.

As a result of participating in Growth Academy, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of growth to Alpha Sigma Tau’s success
  • Describe the purpose and process of the Seven-Touch model
  • Understand and communicate the goal for PNM meetings
  • Explain how membership selection procedures support the recruitment strategy
  • Describe the bid extension process
  • Create a plan and understand expectations to execute the next steps for 2023 recruitment efforts

We highly encourage Chapter Presidents, Vice Presidents of Growth, Chapter Advisors, Growth Advisors, and COB Advisors to attend Growth Academy 2023. Other Growth team members or chapter officers are also invited and welcome to participate.

To register for Growth Academy, use the following links:
Part 1 – January 12 – 7-9 p.m. ET – REGISTER HERE
Part 1 – January 15 – 4-6 p.m. ET – REGISTER HERE
Part 2 – January 15 – 6:30-8:30 p.m. ET – REGISTER HERE
Part 2 – January 17 – 7:30-9:30 p.m. ET – REGISTER HERE

For any questions, please contact Jessa Albert, Director of Growth, at jalbert@alphasigmatau.org.

Learn something new and get your questions answered—face-to-face.

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